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Cheetah Chatter 1/31

Posted Date: 1/31/25 (11:00 PM)

Cheetah Chatter
Reed Elementary
January 31, 2025
Upcoming Events
Kindness Grams
Kindness Grams  
To provide more opportunities for students to do acts of kindness towards others, Reed is selling Kindness Grams to all students. Each gram will cost 50 cents each and will be attached to a lollipop. They may also choose to purchase a mystery pack of valentines stickers (while supplies last) to go with the sucker for $1.00 extra. They will be delivered in time for Valentine’s day celebrations with their class. This year’s sales are from February 3-13 and are optional to participate. Please help your student fill out their gram for a friend or fill one out as a special surprise for your child. Return the Kindness Gram to school with money no later than February 13. We will have additional blank Kindness Grams for sale each morning at 8:30 and after school on Wednesdays from 1:30-2:00 pm.
Telégrafos de Amistad 
Para brindar más oportunidades a los estudiantes para que realicen actos de bondad hacia los demás, Reed está vendiendo Kindness Grams a todos los estudiantes. Cada gramo costará 50 centavos cada uno y estará adherido a una paleta. También pueden optar por comprar un paquete misterioso de pegatinas de San Valentín (hasta agotar existencias) para acompañar al tonto por $1,00 adicional. Se entregarán a tiempo para las celebraciones del día de San Valentín con su clase. Las ventas de este año son del 3 al 13 de febrero y la participación es opcional. Ayude a su estudiante a completar su gramo para un amigo o complete uno como una sorpresa especial para su hijo. Devuelva el Kindness Gram a la escuela con dinero a más tardar el 13 de febrero. Tendremos más Kindness Gram en blanco a la venta cada mañana a las 8:30 y después de la escuela los miércoles de 1:30 a 2:00 pm.
Talent show
Kinder Ready English
Kinder Ready Spanish
College and Career Fair
KSD Parent University
Attendance is Very Important
Attendance Matters
We need your help. We are seeing a lot of people parking by the red curbing, double parking, or parking in the ADA spots. Please make sure that you are parking in the correct designated spots. This will ensure safety for our staff, students, and families.
Call the Office an HOUR Ahead of Time
Please call the office at least an hour ahead of time if you are picking up your student or changing how they are getting home. This ensures that we have them ready and/or can get the message to them in time.
Doors Not open Until 8:30am
Parents, we do not have adult supervision outside before 8:30am. We also open our doors for breakfast at 8:30am. Please drop your students off closer to 8:30am and not earlier. With the cold weather, students are having to stand outside, without supervision, and in the cold until 8:30am. Thank you for your help and support.
Classes Start at 8:50
Parents please remember our classes start at 8:50. If students are eating breakfast they need to be here by 8:30 to give them enough time to eat. If student are not in class by 8:50 they will be receiving a tardy on their attendance.
Upcoming Fundraisers
More information coming.....
Community Events
Girls flag football
Click for more information
Spring Sign Ups for Baseball
Kuna Youth Softball and Baseball
Workshop February 12th
Workshop on February 12th
Parenting Does Not Come with a Manual
February 12th we will have a workshop here at Reed for families to attend. Please see the fliers above. Dinner will be from 5:00pm-5:30pm and then the workshops will be from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Photo Fun
PE Fun
Students dressed up to operate on math.
Students dressed up to operate on math.
Important Dates
  • February 12th- Emotional and Wellbeing Workshop for Parents
  • February 17th- No School, President's Day
  • February 24th- PTO Membership Meeting
  • February 28th- End of Trimester 2
  • March 17th-21st- No School, Spring Break
  • April 18th- No School
  • May 9th- No School, Teacher In-Service
  • May 19th-PTO Membership Meeting
  • May 22nd- Early Release, KHS Graduation
  • May 26th- No School, Memorial Day
  • May 29th- Early Release, Last Day of School
Helpful Links
Kuna Way Awards
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Free & Reduced Meal Application
School Calendar 2024-2025
Start and Release Times
New Student Enrollment
School Supply List
Click to see open positions!
Where to find us or contact us!
Mrs. Michele Moore-Principal
Mrs. Loren Wilson- Vice Principal
Reed Picture
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • (208) 955-0275
  • 1670 Linder Road, Kuna ID 83634