1. All staff should know and follow the guidelines for lightning/thunder safety.
2. Have an evacuation plan & know ahead of time where you plan to go to shelter-in-place.
Review procedures with officials prior to athletic contests when thunderstorms are in the
3. Criteria for suspension & resumption of play:
a. In the event that a lightning monitoring app is in use; WeatherBug is good.
i. Alert all teams/players that lightning is in the area and to be prepared to
seek shelter when notified. First notification at 15 miles.
ii. When any lightning is within 10 miles of your location, all teams are
notified to seek shelter.
iii. Play/Practice remains suspended until 30 minutes after the last lightning
strike within the 10 mile radius of your location.
b. In the event there is no lightning monitoring app in use . . .
i. When any lightning is seen and/or thunder is heard, Suspend play & take
shelter immediately. The leading edge of a thunderstorm is close enough
to strike your location.
ii. 30 minute rule - Once play/practice has been suspended, remain in
shelter until 30 minutes after the last lightning is seen or thunder is heard
prior to resuming play.
iii. Any subsequent thunder/lightning after beginning the 30-minute count will
reset the clock and another 30 minutes count should begin.
c. Important Information to keep in mind:
i. Heads up at 15 miles - continue monitoring conditions (keep in mind how
long it will take for people to move to safe locations)
ii. 10 miles out - begin safety procedures - move to a lightning safe
iii. Watch for lightning & begin 30 minute clock if necessary
iv. 15 miles out - all clear as long as 30 minutes clock is met; safe to
resume play with continued monitoring of the weather
4. Designate someone to call for suspension of activity & evacuate the area.
a. Athletic trainer on duty
b. Athletic director or administrator on duty during events
c. Coaches need to follow policy on their own when the designee is not immediately
d. Coaches & athletes need to follow directions given without question or
Safe venues:
Fully enclosed buildings, fully enclosed metal vehicles; school buses, cars, and vans
Unsafe venues:
NO Place Outside Is Safe When Thunderstorms Are In The Area
Places termed shelters that are partially open such as picnic, park, sun & storage sheds.
Locations with open areas; tents, dugouts, refreshment stands, gazebos, press boxes and open
garages. Trees, flagpoles or light poles are not safe.
The inconvenience of postponing or canceling a practice or event
should never be a factor in implementation of these procedures.