The Kuna Board of Trustees regularly reviews its policies and welcomes feedback from Kuna School District residents, parents, staff, and students on those policies. Below are the policies being reviewed for potential adoption, revisions, or removal. To provide feedback, please email Assistant Superintendent Brian Graves at by the first Monday of the month.
Policy # | Policy Name |
Adopt, Amend, or Remove (1st read, 2nd read, 3rd read) |
448 | Reduction in Force Regarding Certificated Employees | Amend |
448.1 | Reduction in Force Procedures | Adopt |
518 | Student Electronic Devices | Adopt |
564 | Health Records and Emergency Care | Amend |
639 | Parental Rights in Education | Amend |
809 | Conditions for use of District Vehicles | Amend |
830 | Gifts, Grants, and Bequests | Amend |
990 | Bloodborne Pathogens | Adopt |
202 | Public Charter Schools | Amend |
308 | Principal Contracts | Amend |
407.5 | Sick Leave | Amend |
408 | Non-Discrimination in Employment/Leave of Absence | Amend |
470 | Definition of Non-Certificated Personnel | Amend |
502 | Student Publications | Amend |
678 | Release Time | Amend |
207 | Public Charter School Petition | Remove |
417 | Employee Volunteers | Remove |
453 | Support Programs | Remove |
471 | Non-Certificated Employees: At-Will Employment | Remove |
472 | Salary Schedule for Non-Certificated Employees | Remove |
473 | Group Health Insurance for Non-Certificated Employees | Remove |
477 | Absence Without Pay for Non-Certificated Employees | Remove |
478 | Illness or Death in Immediate Family: Non Certificated Employees | Remove |
480 | Vacation Leave for Non-Certificated Employees | Remove |
639.1 | Parental Rights in Education Procedure known changes in students | Adopt |
639.3 | Parental Rights in Education procedure visitation | Adopt |
639.4 | Parental Rights in Education visitation form | Adopt |
736 | Transportation of Special Populations | Adopt |
770 | Food and Nutrition Services | Adopt |
852 | Payment for Goods and Services | Amend |
576.1 | Field Trip Volunteer Chaperone Guidelines | Adopt |
576.2 | Field Trip Parent / Guardian Consent Form | Adopt |
576.3 | Field Trip Student 6/12 code of conduct |
Adopt |
681.1 | Student Identity changes procedure |
Adopt |
310 | Principal Evaluations | Amend |